Featured Oyster Bamboo Fly Rods

Nature Calls
Nature has a way of finding its place in your heart, especially if you are drawn to the bamboo fly rods
Nature Calls
Nature has a way of finding its place in your heart, especially if you are drawn to the bamboo fly rods

Oyster Bamboo Fly Rod Salt Series
The ultimate inshore saltwater taper, this is the model that re-ignited the concept of saltwater fishing with bamboo.
Oyster Bamboo Fly Rod Salt Series
The ultimate inshore saltwater taper, this is the model that re-ignited the concept of saltwater fishing with bamboo.

A Tribute to USA's Hunting & Fishing Custom Oys...
Look close...it's a bear...if you look closer, you can see that bear's teeth.
A Tribute to USA's Hunting & Fishing Custom Oys...
Look close...it's a bear...if you look closer, you can see that bear's teeth.

A Tribute to Bill’s First Bamboo Fly Rod
This small stream sweetheart is based on the very first rod I ever cobbled together (#001), and to commemorate that, it now also receives the honor of being our very...
A Tribute to Bill’s First Bamboo Fly Rod
This small stream sweetheart is based on the very first rod I ever cobbled together (#001), and to commemorate that, it now also receives the honor of being our very...