A Tribute to Bill’s First Bamboo Fly Rod

A Tribute to Bill’s First Bamboo Fly Rod

Turning. Point.

A Tribute 

“When Shannen asked me to write a few words about this little rod, I knew it would be an easy assignment. After all, I’m more familiar with this particular model than any rod I’ve ever made. This small stream sweetheart is based on the very first rod I ever cobbled together (#001), and to commemorate that, it now also receives the honor of being our very first “Maker’s Choice” rod. Immensely finer made than that first rod, this is how I wished I had been able to craft it over twenty years ago. Based on a classic Payne 97 taper it’s a throwback to the heyday of classic bamboo. It loads nicely with just an arms length of line and makes every little brookie feel like the trophy they are. On truly large fish, every inch of the rod is called into action to get the rod done. In the last few decades I’ve made rods that are more powerful, more expensive, and more elaborate-But never one that’s brought me more joy. I hope it will do the same for you.”

-Bill Oyster 





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