Oyster Bamboo Fly Rods

Oyster bamboo fly rod 12 wt tarpon

Tarpon on an Oyster 12wt

Bamboo loves big fish too!

Tarpon on an Oyster 12wt

Bamboo loves big fish too!

Congrats to March's bamboo fly rod making class!

Congrats to March's bamboo fly rod making class!

We had our first student complete her "10th" class!

Congrats to March's bamboo fly rod making class!

We had our first student complete her "10th" class!

RodMaker Magazine

RodMaker Magazine

He knows whereof he speaks - that's his highly engraved fly rod gracing the cover of this issue!

RodMaker Magazine

He knows whereof he speaks - that's his highly engraved fly rod gracing the cover of this issue!

Dr. Alex Reeves fishing in Patagonia oyster fly rods

Oyster Fly Rods at San Huberto Lodge

Bamboo fly rods and dry flies in Patagonia

Oyster Fly Rods at San Huberto Lodge

Bamboo fly rods and dry flies in Patagonia

bill oyster career day

Career Day and The Bamboo Fly Rod

Career Day at Blue Ridge Elementary Bill:  What is your favorite thing to do in the whole world?

Career Day and The Bamboo Fly Rod

Career Day at Blue Ridge Elementary Bill:  What is your favorite thing to do in the whole world?

oyster bamboo fly rods valentines day on main street

Main Street, The Bamboo Fly Rod and Love

This year my self proclaimed Valentine is Blue Ridge, Georgia…more specifically Main Street.

Main Street, The Bamboo Fly Rod and Love

This year my self proclaimed Valentine is Blue Ridge, Georgia…more specifically Main Street.