veronica oyster bamboo fly rods

Oyster Bamboo Fly Rods, Halloween and just about everything else you can imagine!

Wow! Where to begin…the last 2 months have been eventful to say the least. We kicked of the fall by spending a few days in a Yurt in Western North Carolina. It’s the closest Bill will get me to camping these days. It’s so rare that we get away without work in tow so it was a serious treat.
Our Yurt was nestled in the woods with a gorgeous view of the Nantahala gorge. The best part was being able to “open the roof” at night and sleep under the stars in comfort. We managed to squeeze in a mountain bike ride at Tsali before going to see the Carolina Chocolate Drops . All of this in 36 hours…we had to cut the trip short for the love of bamboo but it was a glorious 36 hours. Crazy beautiful.
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