Meet Barry and Bill (a.k.a. repeat offenders)...

Meet Barry and Bill (a.k.a. repeat offenders)...

Sometimes the destination is the journey. Meet Barry and Bill (a.k.a. repeat offenders)...Last week’s bamboo fly rod making class ushered in two more members of Oyster’s “10 Class Club”...hence the cakes. If you have ever built a bamboo fly rod from start to finish (with us or any where else in the world for that matter) can comprehend this rare accomplishment. It’s almost impossible to fathom Oyster’s 20-year story without Bill and Barry. We could only have dreamed of a business that “imported” clients from all over the world directly to our little workshop in Blue Ridge, Georgia...and then to have those students habitually return and as a result become like family. That’s the good stuff. Period.

Congratulations Barry & Bill!

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