A hoard of TBT
. This image is circa 1995-1996 when Bill was still a professional cyclist and Bill had lots of hair (and it was black) 😌
. It’s an actual photo taken pre-digital age with Shannen’s 16th birthday present - a beat up 35mm Pentax . .
.Bill had time to read...and all by coincidence (or not) Shannen (that’s me!) took this image when Bill was avoiding the lens in his face and covered his face with the book he was reading .
. We used this image to launch Oyster’s IG take over when the American Museum of Fly Fishing named Bill History Maker of the Month in 2015
Where it all began for Oyster...This photo was taken over 20 years ago. As Bill's interest in fly fishing grew into an outright obsession, his desire for a traditional bamboo fly rod consumed most of his waking hours. It was the "pre-information age" so he ordered "how to" books from classified ads in the back of popular fly fishing magazines, waited patiently to afford each component and tool while building the first ever Oyster Fly Rod. It took six months and Bill still uses that rod today.