

Predestined - This is Bill and Henry Williamson circa 2005 on a shoot for the premiere issue of @gardenandgun magazine. These two met that day and have been friends since. Bill and Henry “run into” one another as near as our own backyards of Southern Appalachia and as far away as remote Patagonia. When Henry calls, he never fails to restore my (being Shannen) often teetering faith in humanity. Writer George Black and photographer @andyanderson also met up with the G&G crew for this consequential weekend nearly 15 years ago that not only resulted in an epic start to unarguably one of our country’s most prolific magazines but some “off the record” lore that have now become a crowded memory. I woke up today thinking about Henry, dug up these photos and immediately felt better about…well everything. Good stuff. 🌿

Editors note: neither one of them has an IG account so I cannot tag...🤣

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