Circa 1974 - a little known reality about Bill is the fact that he was raised in rural NW Wyoming on his parent's horse farm with his cowboy father who was the local farrier and high school shop teacher. On our first date...over 23 years ago...we "laughed until we cried" comparing our 5-year-old selves. My story encompassed the classic 70s suburb childhood in upstate NY, a variety of wood paneled cars, my banker father and stay at home mother, violin lessons, Saturday morning cartoons, a blur of snow, mass every Sunday morning and the lull of Willie Nelson and Marty Robbins in the background. Bill's story was of his horse centric parents, the bitter cold, cattle drives, pistols, horses trampling through the fence during every holiday dinner, snow plow rides to school, chores at dawn, his favorite Paint Pony, mass every Sunday morning and the lull of Willie Nelson and Marty Robbins in the background. Proof that opposites attract but we all love