Fly Rod Making Classes

"Life Changing Week" Oyster Bamboo Fly Rod Making Class Testimonial

"Life Changing Week" Oyster Bamboo Fly Rod Maki...

Oyster created a foundation and blueprint that made us all feel like kings

"Life Changing Week" Oyster Bamboo Fly Rod Maki...

Oyster created a foundation and blueprint that made us all feel like kings

My Bamboo Fly Rod, a Can of Worms and the Sentimental Nature of it All

My Bamboo Fly Rod, a Can of Worms and the Senti...

No one cried. I successfully made another bamboo fly rod without crying impaling anyone. About a month before my class, I sent out an email asking for advice concerning my...

My Bamboo Fly Rod, a Can of Worms and the Senti...

No one cried. I successfully made another bamboo fly rod without crying impaling anyone. About a month before my class, I sent out an email asking for advice concerning my...

bamboo fly rod and rainbow trout

My tribal bamboo fly rod!

After this week, I have a new respect on every level for Bill’s undeniable patience and seemingly endless volcano of talent.  This week was special for a myriad of reasons…

My tribal bamboo fly rod!

After this week, I have a new respect on every level for Bill’s undeniable patience and seemingly endless volcano of talent.  This week was special for a myriad of reasons…

straightening bamboo fly rod strips

About last night…

Okay, I skipped a day because the second day of class started out with straightening strips and the night ended with math!

About last night…

Okay, I skipped a day because the second day of class started out with straightening strips and the night ended with math!

Bamboo Fly Rod Class Day One…

Bamboo Fly Rod Class Day One…

After my first day in class making my first bamboo fly rod,  I have discovered the following: Bill's job is SO much better than mine.

Bamboo Fly Rod Class Day One…

After my first day in class making my first bamboo fly rod,  I have discovered the following: Bill's job is SO much better than mine.

"Thank you for a great week building my bamboo rod" Oyster Bamboo Fly Rod Making Class Testimonial

"Thank you for a great week building my bamboo ...

 I got to meet nice classmates, build a super bamboo rod, stay at the 'Shannen Hilton' and catch fish with my new rod on the river Saturday.

"Thank you for a great week building my bamboo ...

 I got to meet nice classmates, build a super bamboo rod, stay at the 'Shannen Hilton' and catch fish with my new rod on the river Saturday.