Meet Hart. ❤️ Some people’s names are simply a self fulfilling prophecy...Hart initially called Oyster many years ago and I clearly recall our first conversation...the phone rang and I almost didn’t answer it. I was SO pregnant with Veronica pacing the floors of two workshops ago (the little red house in the woods) eating a bag of marshmallows like my life depended on it...but I ended up picking up the phone that day...Hart’s voice and conversation style eclipsed my pregnancy sugar coma and evoked a friendship that formed immediately and has lasted for years (including his wife Dee, family and sorted friends). Hart is with us again this week in our first bamboo fly rod making class of 2018 (along with a gaggle of people he brought along with him) bringing the love and fabulous undercurrent of sheer goodness. Here’s to many more years of Hart. ❤️