"Only in the wildest, most natural places do these brook trout still survive."

"Only in the wildest, most natural places do these brook trout still survive."

"Only in the wildest, most natural places do these brook trout still survive. Sometimes you realize that more important than the size of the numbers of fish is to get away from everything and everybody and just go and find your own space. You can always do that on a Brook Trout stream because they don't live where the crowds live.

So when I made my first bamboo rod, I made a rod for that. It was very full flexing and soft and easy, so even a four inch trout or a six inch trout was still a lot of fun. He got to show off a little bit and you got to enjoy playing him, unlike some of the more stiffer modern rods.  

You need a rod that can load up quickly and in just one back cast, maybe a roll cast, maybe even just a bow and arrow cast, put the fly in the water. Anybody pursuing these small fish in these small streams in the back country, they're looking for an experience. And if the equipment can add to that in some small way, then that would make me feel pretty good."
-Bill Oyster

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