Oyster Hart Series Bamboo Fly Rod

Oyster Hart Series Bamboo Fly Rod

8’ 5wt Oyster Hart series with hand engraved ferrules and rainbow trout with gold inlay…also adorned with the states of West Virginia and Alaska on the reel seat.

We shipped this rod to a very special and enthusiastic client who allowed Bill to push his artistic endeavors. Fun fact: Bill’s designs and scroll work are unique to Oyster.

Before he even starts cutting, there are countless hours into the raw artwork itself to make the layout indigenous to the metal.

Another fun fact…Oyster rods perform as good as they look. Simple as that. 



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1 comment

Such an amazing work of art. I am so proud that Bill has far exceeded the talent of all previous rod builders and it will be difficult for anyone to equal his talents ever. it is also an honor to have my name associated with Bill’s finest work in this series Congrats to the owner of this new masterpiece.

Hart Williford

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